Jenny's got three this year-

Jenny Han has three publications in 2016, one in our book listed below and others in Tet. Lett. and Inorg. Chem., she's working on a last one before she defends later this month... way to go Jenny!!
“Characterization of the Initial Intermediate Formed during Photoinduced Oxygenation of the Ruthenium(II) Bis(bipyridyl)flavonolate Complex” Han, X.; Klausmeyer, K.K.; Farmer, P.J. Inorg. Chem. 2016 55, 7320-7322.
“Nitroxygenation of quercetin by HNO” Han, X.; Kumar, M.R.; Farmer, P.J. Tet. Lett. 2016 57, 399-402.
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