Time to update!!

Been awhile since we've updated this... much news to share
Thanks for visiting the Farmer Research Group! Here you will find news and research updates as well as general information for prospective students. Don't forget to add us to your feeds!
Check below for upcoming events, news, and updated information on the Farmer Research Group. Use the link to the right to add this feed to your RSS.
Been awhile since we've updated this... much news to share
Last weekend Baylor hosted a research retreat that consisted of several scientists from the surrounding areas including Baylor University, Scott & White Healthcare, Baylor Health Care System, and Texas A & M Health Science Center-COM-Temple.
KWTX covered the event.
On Monday, Adrian Zapata, Carrie Poe, and Dr. Farmer visited Lake Air Montessori to showcase some exciting experiments. Demonstrations included elephant toothpaste, smoke bubbles, things that glow, magnetism, and discussions about the many elements of the periodic table.
Saturday was the 2013 Annual CEC Workshop on Electrochemistry UT. Talks covered water electrolysis, photoelectrochemical studies, energy storage, potential dependent/driven catch and release reactions, and redefining what is really known about "well-known" mechanism.
Giving the talks there where some new and familiar faces. One in particular was Dr. Farmer's former postdoctoral advisor al the way from the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris - Dr. Christian Amatore.
Some peeople never change. From Dr. Farmer's researcher's, it was nice to finally meet you Dr. Amatore!
Exciting things happening. Check out the member's page to see new additions to the lab group. Formally, Jenny has joined our lab group while lab group member Long Dao is now working in a collaboration with Dr. Karen Newell's lab at Scott & White in Temple, TX.
Dr. Patrick J. Farmer | Office: BSB D208.1 | One Bear Place #97348 | Waco, TX | 76798
Office phone: (254) 710-2746 | Lab Phone: (254) 710-2387