Congrats and best wishes in 2017

Two new PhDs, Drs. Adrian Zapata and Xiaozhen Han!
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Two new PhDs, Drs. Adrian Zapata and Xiaozhen Han!
Want to thank my hosts Mike van Stipdonk and John Stolz from Duquesne University who put on the Metals in Biology Symposium last week. Also heard two wonderful talks from Aaron Barchoswky at Pitt about how arsenic effects stem cell mitochondria, and from Vadim Gladyshev at Harvard about selenoprotein genomics and longevity. My first time in P-burg!
Jenny Han has three publications in 2016, one in our book listed below and others in Tet. Lett. and Inorg. Chem., she's working on a last one before she defends later this month... way to go Jenny!!
“Characterization of the Initial Intermediate Formed during Photoinduced Oxygenation of the Ruthenium(II) Bis(bipyridyl)flavonolate Complex” Han, X.; Klausmeyer, K.K.; Farmer, P.J. Inorg. Chem. 2016 55, 7320-7322.
“Nitroxygenation of quercetin by HNO” Han, X.; Kumar, M.R.; Farmer, P.J. Tet. Lett. 2016 57, 399-402.
I'm pleased to announce the publication of the book "The Chemistry and Biology of Nitroxyl (HNO)" that I co-edited with Fabio Doctorovich and Marcelo Marti. Its published this month by Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-800934-5, and includes 3 chapters from our group
“Spectroscopic NMR characterizations of HNO adducts of ferrous heme proteins” Kumar, M.R.; Farmer, P.J. The Chemistry and Biology of Nitroxyl (HNO), F. Doctorovich, P.J. Farmer, M. Marti eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016, Chp. 14, pp. 269-286.
“Global kinetic analysis and singular value decomposition methods applied to complex multicomponent reactions of HNO” Zapata, A.L.; Kumar, M.R.; Farmer, P.J. The Chemistry and Biology of Nitroxyl (HNO), F. Doctorovich, P.J. Farmer, M. Marti eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016, Chp. 15, pp. 287-304.
“HNO as an Oxygen Substitute in Enzymes” Han, X.; Farmer, P.J. The Chemistry and Biology of Nitroxyl (HNO), F. Doctorovich, P.J. Farmer, M. Marti eds., Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016, Chp. 16, pp. 305-320.
Adrian Zapata defended his dissertaion in August '16, entitled
"HNO-Myoglobin Reactivity Examined by SVD and Global Analysis"
and is now an Asst. Prof. at Schriener University in Kerrville! We are working on one more paper w/ Adrian, based on his last chapter
"The reaction of HNO-Mb with dioxygen: a model for the Nitric Oxide Dioxygenase reactivity"
Dr. Patrick J. Farmer | Office: BSB D208.1 | One Bear Place #97348 | Waco, TX | 76798
Office phone: (254) 710-2746 | Lab Phone: (254) 710-2387